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  • ashaenterprisesindiapvt@gmail.com | rohan@ashaenterprises.net

Ammonia refrigeration compressors


Additional Information:

  • Air Cooled and Water Cooled


  • Drive Set
    -‘V’ Belt drives. (Fly wheel, Motor pulley). Belts. for a wide range of standard speeds.
    - Direct drive. (Flexible coupling)
  • Base frame, Slide rails for motor with foundation bolts.
  • Stop valves (shut-off) for suction & discharge lines.
  • Electrically operated solenoid valves for capacity control.
  • Pressure gauges & Safety pressure cutouts, Crankcase heater & Oil separator.


We also master the technique in supplying solutions for industrial refrigeration compressors, ammonia re-conditioned / used compressors with full warranty.
This reconditioned refrigeration compressors are picked from various reliable industries from India and are inspected by a team of well experienced technicians and further reconditioned using OEM spare parts and then we put it on open trail to ensure smooth functioning of the industrial refrigeration compressors and we assure the performance of the same.
This reconditioned refrigeration compressors are popular in India and Abroad in Ice Plants and Small Ammonia Refrigeration units were Commercial values are a concern.
The advantage of installing this compressors are pure commercial. We also ensure ready stock and cheap availability of the spares in future.
reconditioned refrigeration compressors are available for Positive and Negative applications.



Disassembling includes all internal and external compressor components like pistons, rods, crankshafts, etc and even electrical components. A complete part list is made for remanufacturing and the compressor body is dispatched for cleaning.

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industrial refrigeration compressor


For varnish, we use the latest material to submerge, dip, and encapsulate stators after windings, then curing in our temperature-controlled ovens. Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) system ensures full slot penetration of varnish to guarantee no wire flex in the slot to eliminate slot burnouts. All of our semihermetic stators and rotors are surge tested to guarantee initial start-up under load. In addition, all stators are tested on a digital watt ohmmeter which enables us to check our rewinders. The digital ohmmeter measuring is as low as 1/10,000 of an ohm to check for the balance of the coils and conductivity through all soldered connections.

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industrial refrigeration compressor


We check all the material dimensionally, quality test for spares and open head testing to check for leakage. We also repair old industrial refrigeration compressor and change the compressor spares only as per requirement.

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industrial refrigeration compressor


Directly from sub-assembly/Quality Control, Industrial refrigeration compressor are ready for assembly. All internal parts are QC stamped along with the compressor casting. Torque specifications, tolerances, and clearances pertaining to each assembly are checked. All the instruments are calibrated, following the ISO Certification program.

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industrial refrigeration compressor


Fully equipped welding department which is skilled in submerged arc welding, tig, and argon gas welding

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industrial refrigeration compressor


All pre-qualified internal parts are matched to each compressor casting, and crankshafts are thoroughly checked, going through all tolerances and are laid out with new parts on trays for assembly. The final step for QC is to scrutinize specifications, stamping the parts with the QC approval code. Once completed, the compressor is forwarded to Assembling. Reconditioned Compressors are tested with a computerized test program

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industrial refrigeration compressor


Leak Detection is accomplished using a highly sophisticated helium detection system. After leak detection, all compressors are evacuated to 250 microns and charged with a 5# holding charge of nitrogen. The industrial refrigeration compressor are then painted to match manufacturer’s original colors and skidded.

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industrial refrigeration compressor


All cast iron components and bodies are burned in an air oven for degreasing. Once all oils and metal particles are burned, the castings are placed in a shot peen machine, charged with specially manufactured soft shot, to clean the castings to its original manufactured appearance. This process is environmentally safe and does not use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Quality control checks all castings and surfaces to assure no particles remain, and that all surfaces meet the required finish to seal. Surfaces with any marks or scratches are put on a lapping machine or one of our resurfacing machines.

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industrial refrigeration compressor